Thank You to Our “Sunday Social” Host Families

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I can not believe that school is back in for most of our local schools and that summer events are coming to a close. With that being said, I want to thank all of our member families that hosted a Sunday Social this summer.

A BIG “THANKS,” goes out to:

June’s Italian Night- Ed and Sheradon Fong

July’s Meditteranean Feast- Hansen/Bhudhikanok family

August #1 Dim Sum Delight- Vaughn family along with De Benito/Costin’s & Cathy Dinh 

August #2 La Fete Basque- Albanese & Scholl families 

If you would like to be a host for a future event please email so we can add you to the list. We will need more hosts next summer, so let Anne know today. Any comments/recommendations regarding our summer events, please feel free to send Anne an email. Here’s to a great summer of 2023!

See you at the Children’s Carnival + Sunday Social & Labor Day BBQ!

Shown above: Albanese and Scholl hosts from last Sunday!