4/27: April BoD Meeting via Zoom
Dear Fairbrae Members, The April BoD Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Link Forthcoming Thank you for your continued support of the club!
Dear Fairbrae Members, The April BoD Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Link Forthcoming Thank you for your continued support of the club!
Dear Fairbrae Members, Due to Board of Directors scheduling conflicts, we will be moving the April Board & Membership Meeting to another date in April. Once the date has been established for the meeting, members will be notified. For questions, … Continued
Dear Fairbrae Members, Thank you all for your participation in this year’s Board of Directors Election! Fairbrae welcomes four new faces to the BoD this year: Casilda de Benito Nate Gardener Michael Quinlan Frederik Stork These four will serve as … Continued
This year we are going to start using SignUp (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities at Fairbrae. Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link to go to … Continued
We have two amazing classes that are held at Fairbrae Swim & Racquet Club, twice weekly. Yoga- Join instructor Amy Bankhead for a 75-minute yoga class in the clubhouse on Tuesday nights from 7:45 PM – 9:00 PM & (NEW) … Continued
Spring Has Sprung! The weather is getting warmer and we are seeing more and more people at the club, which is great! Here are a few things to know and remember, to ensure all members and guests enjoy their visit. … Continued
Dear Fairbrae Members, The February Board of Directors & Membership meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February 9th. The meeting will be held over Zoom using the link that was sent in an email on Monday, February … Continued
The 1st Annual Turkey Cup was held during Men’s Night, November 30th and December 1st. Our competitors were the Butterballs captained by Tracy Colwell vs. Thighs Before Pies (TBP) captained by Dirk Leone.