Dec. 5 ’24 Rehab Update

posted in: Rehab Blog, Rehab Status | 0

Recent Activity on Fairbrae Rehab:

  • The main work is happening with the Architectural firm Habitec as they develop and submit design/development documents for our feedback and approval.  
  • At the end of November, Habitec provided 100% DD set to Fairbrae for review.  Staff and board members have been reviewing documents and providing feedback to Habitec.
  • On December 13, Habitec will walk board members through the updated DD set and respond to questions, clarifications. 
  • Habitec is concurrently developing a CD set for submission to the city. They are currently on track for submission before the Dec 31st deadline.
  • As the staff/board works with Habitec, we are also reviewing the contract from RDL, who will be doing the construction for the rehab.