Welcome to the Manta Rays Team Gear Store!!

What gear is needed for our swim team?

You will need a swimsuit and swim cap (the team will provide one cap to each swimmer), goggles , water bottle, and a towel for each practice and swim meet.  Caps are mandatory at all practices and at the swim meets.  You will be given your complimentary swim cap the first week of swim practice.  We suggest a tight fitting swimsuit:  jammer/brief for boys and a one piece for girls.  

Our Gear Store is open if you wish to purchase swimsuits and caps:


If you have any questions contact Kathy, the gear coordinator, sales@inlinepromotions.com

Note: Each swimmer will receive 1 latex swim cap when they check in for their first practice for the season. However, if you want more swim caps, go to the gear store.

You can shop at the store for lots of Manta Rays items. These spirit wear items are not mandatory, but many families purchase the fun “swag” to show support to the Manta Rays swim team.

Spirit gear/Swimsuit

Shop now for suits and “Swag”, purchase items onsite in your account.  Your items will be delivered and ready for pickup at the Fairbrae Clubhouse at 5pm, the night of our welcome back banquet:  Friday, April 26th.

The team store will close Sunday, March 17th at midnight in order to print and deliver your gear to Fairbrae by April 26th.

Team Suit “Try On” dates:

We have provided a few “team suit” try on dates for you to attend.  We encourage you to try a sample suit so you know exactly the correct fit for your swimmer.  All dates are located at Fairbrae outside on the deck.

Saturday 2/10-  1-2pm

Monday 2/26- 4-5pm

Sunday 3/3- 1-2pm

Wednesday 3/13- 4-5pm

At each of these dates, you will be able to try on suits and gear and ask the “gear” rep any questions you have!

We can’t wait to see you in your Manta Rays gear showing your team spirit!

Any questions???  

Contact Kathy Mortensen- sales@inlinepromotions.com

Hi Manta Rays Families!

Can you believe the Manta Rays Swim Team Registration opens on March 2nd for Fairbrae MEMBERS, March 16th for RETURNING Non-Members, and March 30th for New NON MEMBERS? Our swim team season is upon us!

Returning swimmers DO NOT NEED TO BE EVALUATED!

All swimmers NEW to the Manta Rays Swim team MUST be evaluated and pass the evaluation before they can register for the swim team. This applies whether you’re a club member or not. We will regrettably have to remove any registrations of swimmers that have not been evaluated.

The Coaching Staff has been busy getting the swim procedures organized! 🙂

This email will explain how to sign up for an evaluation! Please read carefully.

We would like to get all swimmers (Members and Non-Members) NEW to the Manta Rays Swim team evaluated as soon as possible.

Returning Manta Rays Swimmers (members and non-members) will be eligible to sign up through our platform SwimTopia (A different email will be sent with detailed directions) without being evaluated. Returning swimmers DO NOT NEED TO BE EVALUATED!

However, if you have a new swimmer in your family who has NOT swam for the Manta Rays Swim Team, we can move forward to evaluate them.


All swimmers NEW to the Manta Rays Swim team MUST be evaluated and pass the evaluation before they can register for the swim team.

Members and returning Swim Team families: Once you pass the evaluation you will be able to register for the swim team.

Non-Members who also are New Families to the team: Once you pass the evaluation you will be put on a wait-list until the Non-Member registration opens up.

If you have a swimmer that needs to be evaluated (member or non-member) kindly click the following link Swim Evaluations sign up Manta Rays 2025 Season to sign up for one time slot per swimmer. We plan to have several coaches on deck to evaluate swimmers during the session.

Once you sign up you will be notified by email (within the week) to confirm your evaluation as well as all the details needed for the evaluation process.

The Coaches are excited for the Manta Rays Season!

Any questions please contact:

Lead Swim Evaluation Coach: Philina Stork: philina.stork@icloud.com

Head Coach: Jen/Nisa: mantarays.hc@gmail.com