New Member Spotlight…Meet the Pack Family!

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Re-introducing a new feature in our Fairbrae News & Events, the New Member Spotlight! Please help us in welcoming new members to the club, and if you see these new faces around, please say “Hi!”

We’re Jeremy and Julianne Pack, and we have five wonderful children: Thomas, George, Theo, Henry and Vera. We lived in Mountain View for 12 years before moving to Sunnyvale last year. You’ll see George and Jeremy at the pool the most often, though Jeremy is also pretty excited to teach the kids a bit of table tennis. Thomas and Julianne prefer running (Thomas does track and cross-country), but you’ll see all of us drop in together from time to time. You should also feel free to say hi when you see us biking around town. If you are new to the club within 2019, and wish to be featured in our New Members Spotlight, please contact