We’ve had some great parties to start off our 2024. We started the year off with the Lunar New Year, Superbowl & Valentines Party. Next up was the St. Paddy’s “Fairbrew” Fest and last weekend was our Kid’s Spring Celebration. These events could not happen without the social committee and members who helped host these fun events! Thank you to staff and to those of you who helped with setup, cleanup and food prep too. We really appreciate your taking the time to make these events a success!
Thank you’s go out to our hosts:
Lunar New Year, Superbowl & Valentines Party– Cathy Dinh, Robyn Weeda & Adam Stephenson.
St. Paddy’s “Fairbrew” Fest- the Roldan family and Steve Caroompas.
Kid’s Spring Celebration- Cathy Dinh
Please contact Anne if you are interested in hosting or helping at future events. We would love your help.
See you at the next party!